Sunday, November 18, 2007

3.3 Evaluating a Middleware for Crossmedia Games

Fernando Trinta, University of Fortaleza
Davi Pedrosa, Federal University of Pernambuco
Carlos Ferraz, Federal University of Pernambuco
Geber Ramalho, Federal University of Pernambuco

Crossmedia games are a genre of pervasive gaming where a single game instance can be played with a variety of heterogeneous devices that support di erent forms of players' participation and deliver di erent game experiences. In this paper, we present the PM2G initiative, a Service-Oriented Architecture aiming at supporting crossmedia games' development and execution. Due to their relevance in this document, Content Adaptation and Interaction Adaptation Services are detailed. We also present a case study, a game called Pervasive Wizards, which is used to validate our architecture. Finally, we also present some performance results obtained in our experiments.

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